As you know, the College Area Community Council has been working on ideas to present to the city when the city updates our community plan from the existing one written in 1989. The CACC committee has been working for over two years gathering input from citizens at public meetings, local neighborhood groups, and soliciting feedback in various articles and email blasts. A steering committee of local residents and experts in the field, and an advisory committee representing SDSU, developers, and other stake holders finalized the report.
That report shall now be formally passed to the city planners who have been assigned to shepherd city staff to develop the complete plan, which will guide development in the College Area for the next 30 to 50 years.
The Community Plan Update Committee has been formed with the city to assist the city planners in the development of that guide. They will be meeting with the city planners on an ongoing monthly basis using Zoom video meetings.
Members of the group are Saul Amerling as chair, Tait Galaway, Nathan Causman and Shannon Mulderig (city planners), Bob Higdon, Robert Montana, Josh Mello, Troy Murphree, Jose Reynoso, Jim Schneider, Tom Silva, and Angie Espinosa.
The Zoom meetings are open to the public and anyone interested can receive an invitation by contacting The next meeting will be on April 22 at 4:30 p.m. The agenda will consist of introductions, a review of public written feedback and responses, and discussion by the city planners of next steps in light of COVID-19.
—Saul Amerling is chair of the College Area Community Plan Update Committee.