As expected, we hosted a full house at the February luncheon for the Republican Women of California – Navajo Canyon.
We were joined by Christian Hartsock, a Chief Investigative Reporter for Project Veritas, with well over 100 attendees. A riveting and fascinating presentation! Be sure to keep up to date on the great work Project Veritas is doing to expose hypocrisy and lies in the media and in political campaigns.www.rwcnavajocanyon.org. As we gear up for 2022, we are getting ready for a busy election season. Republican Women of California – Navajo Canyon is looking forward to holding a candidate forum in May, so keep an eye out for further details. We will be hearing from candidates running for a variety of positions so that YOU can make an informed decision about your vote. Make your voice heard this election season! We are tired of hearing about hypocritical elected officials who want to take guns away from you but continue to have paid bodyguards, and who impose mask mandates on us and our children but attend large sporting events without a care in the world.
At our luncheon, we also heard from Perry Yee, founder of Active Valor. As a former Navy SEAL, Perry created the organization to connect veterans with families that lost a loved one in a service-related death (gold star families). Our next luncheon will feature guest speaker Tony Krvaric. He will be sharing his thoughts on the upcoming elections. Tony is chairman emeritus of the Republican Party of San Diego County, where he served for 14 years as volunteer chairman. He is Croatian by blood, Swedish by birth, American by Choice, and embodies and understands conservative Republican values. We will also be joined by Carl DeMaio, chairman of Reform California and host of the DeMaio Report on NewsRadio 600 KOGO where he uses his media platform to inform, engage and inspire common-sense Californians to get involved in the fight to take back their state from socialism. We will be hearing from Carl on the latest news from Reform California and what we can do to help. Join us on March 8 at the Legacy Resort Hotel & Spa. Register at– Wendy Hauffen writes on behalf of the Republican Women of California – Navajo Canyon.