During spring and summer, children’s sing-along book author and vocalist Bridget Burton (known to her local La Jolla neighbors as Barbara Burton Graf) is providing an interactive experience for local preschools, giving the kids something new in their day.
Having received gratitude from preschool staff, the students, and their parents for her pre-pandemic presentations, now that things are reopening, Burton is ready to bring the fun once again.
“Directors and teachers alike have told me how much they appreciate having something new for the kids to see and do and the fact that learning [especially reading] is enhanced with music, doing these live presentations is a win-win-win,” says Burton.
Burton coordinates with area preschools to set a date and time and then brings her book and music does a live reading and sing-along with the kids and teaches them some Hawaiian words and hula moves.
“We even do a little dancing,” Burton said with a grin as she recounted the joy from the past presentations, “and some schools actually make it a full-day Hawaiian-themed experience and invite the parents too.”
The children’s book, “Annie Kai Lani Kai Lou: Kauai’s Beloved Pup,” is a sing-along that follows Annie throughout the island of Kauai as she goes on adventures such as canoeing, zip-lining, and even enjoying a luau party with a Shih Tzu.
Burton says: “My love for the Hawaiian islands prompted me to write this book and knowing that children learn better when there is music involved, it was a natural add-on to put the words to music.”
In addition, Burton shared that the digital version includes enhanced features such as animated text and a map of Kauai showing the different locations that Annie visits, which improves or accelerates reading skills and teaches geography. Depending on the preschools’ preferences, Burton will bring and play the digital version as well.
Burton does not charge for these 20-30 minute presentations with a $20 pre-presentation purchase of the hardcover print version/companion digital version bundle (by the school or a parent). If parents are invited and unable to attend, she provides parent handouts so they too can see a snippet of what their children enjoyed at school.
“I’m excited to have done the first post-pandemic presentation booked in early April,” continues Burton, “and I’m looking forward to doing as many as possible.” She said that nothing warms her heart so much as sharing the book and music and watching the kids dance and sing along.
Digital version preview and purchase options are available at www.anniekailani.com. For more information, visit the website or email [email protected].