The public can find out how much the community has been improved by its maintenance assessment district at the third annual Enhance La Jolla Day on Saturday, May 13.
The event, from 9-11 a.m. in front of Union Bank at 7807 Girard Ave., will showcase the accomplishments of the community’s MAD, as well as introduce people to La Jolla’s several other civic organizations working for community improvement and beautification.
La Jolla’s MAD passed by a 56% to 44% margin by mail ballot of residents and businesses within the downtown Village in November 2016. Having begun operations in 2019, the MAD is a legal mechanism by which property owners assess themselves to pay and receive services above and beyond what the City normally provides. It is one of 64 MADs that have a contract with the City to make improvements in the public right-of-way and may also implement privately contracted capital projects, in addition to the maintenance services underwritten by property-owner fees.
“The purpose of the event is to share details about the work of Enhance La Jolla, the many organizations that serve La Jolla, and the proposed Streetscape project, which is the plan to renovate Girard Avenue between Silverado and Prospect streets,” said Ed Witt, chair of Enhance La Jolla, comprised of commercial and residential property owners, and other community stakeholders, within the MADs boundaries. The proposed Streetscape initiatives include the creation of community gathering spaces, improved crosswalks, state-of-the-art curb extensions, and more shade areas.
On Enhance La Jolla Day at 9 a.m., District 1 Councilmember Joe LaCava will welcome leaders of La Jolla community organizations, who will then be available to share information and answer questions.
“Enhance La Jolla Day is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the positive change the organization has made in the Village,” said LaCava. “Being part of the original team that established Enhance La Jolla, I am proud of their accomplishments. Their proactive solutions, combined with ongoing maintenance, are achieving and exceeding the goals we set earlier; a great example of the community coming together for our common good.”
Barbara Bry, Enhance La Jolla board member and Enhance La Jolla Day committee chair, praised the event for uniting community groups. “What we found every year is that the leaders of the community groups like to talk to each other, but they don’t often get together,” she said adding the annual special day lets them do just that.
“It also allows community members to stop by and ask them questions. This year, we’re going to be showcasing what’s going to be happening with the Streetscape project, the plan to beautify the Village starting with an area on Girard between Silverado and Prospect.”
Phyllis Pfeiffer, representing La Jolla Community Foundation, will speak on the Streetscape improvement proposal.
Pointing out that La Jolla Community Foundation and Enhance La Jolla are two separate organizations, Bry noted they join together in the MAD to enable trash pickup, power washing of sidewalks, and the planting and maintaining of trees and plants within the district. “The MAD benefits the entire region including tourists from all over the world who come to visit La Jolla,” she said.
Witt recalled the first Enhance La Jolla Day involved initiating work on enhancing tree wells in the district up and down Girard Avenue. “What miraculously happened was all of the different community groups in La Jolla wanted to join in,” he said. “It just turned out to be this wonderful, natural organic metamorphosis of different groups coming together promoting wellness and community awareness and showing how they work hard to improve La Jolla.”
On Enhance La Jolla Day, Nissho of California, the landscaping company servicing the Village, will provide free plants while supplies last. Refreshments will also be served.