Neil O’Connell with Claudia and Bill Allen, and Lou Scanlon on Memorial Day (Photo by Margo Schwab)
On Memorial Day, the Mt. Soledad National Veterans Memorial Association paid tribute to the Marines of the Third Battalion, Fifth Marine Regiment.
“These Marines fought in Afghanistan during 2010-2011 and sustained the highest number of casualties, 25, of any unit throughout the 10-year war,” said attendee Lou Scanlon. “Lieutenant Colonel Thomas K. Schumann, then a platoon commander, spoke poignantly about one of the Marines that gave his life in the battle. Schumann subsequently named his son after that Marine!”
Meanwhile La Jollan Max Gurney, a World War II intelligence specialist visited Normandy for D Day, before continuing onto Monaco for his 103rd birthday. Lee Clark and Jerry Pikolycky were there for Max’s intimate celebration at the Monaco Yacht Club. Also there: His Serene Highness Prince Albert of Monaco! As Pikolycky explained “Prince Albert fondly regards Max Gurney as his Godfather for the close relationship that Max had with his parents Prince Rainier and Princess Grace Kelly. Max, now Sir Max, was later appointed Honorary Consul of Monaco as a resident in La Jolla.”
P.S. Is it just me or does Lee Clark resemble the late and great beauty Princess Grace Kelly?