Lemon bars always hit the spot
Lemons in San Diego are in season. The Meyer lemons make a tangy, delicious version. I found this recipe in...
Lemons in San Diego are in season. The Meyer lemons make a tangy, delicious version. I found this recipe in...
My friend Pam Smith made these for our book club. We gobbled them down! Savory and sweet. They make a...
If you are looking for a baked chicken recipe that is worthy of a dinner party, try this recipe. It...
Frittatas can be made to suit almost every taste Frittatas are an egg-based Italian dish sort of like a crustless...
With the holidays in full force, this makes a great time of year to do some baking. One option would...
By Julie White Serves 6 -8 The barley in this soup adds a nutty flavor that is very tasty. Ingredients...
By JULIE WHITE “Delicious” is all I can say! Ingredients: 6 egg whites (room temperature) 2 tablespoons vanilla extract 1/2...
By JULIE WHITE Tomato toasts are an autumn-feeling, easy appetizer to serve for one person or 10 people. Can be...
By JULIE WHITE La Mesa has two young natives who have started a pudding company called South & Spoon Pudding...
By JULIE WHITE This can be put together really quick for an appetizer, dinner or when you have company over...
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