Meet the candidates for the San Diego Unified School District Board of Education District “B”.
A special community forum will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 19 at Lewis Middle School (5170 Greenbrier Avenue) for the Henry Cluster community hosted by SCAC. The candidates are Shana Hazan (nonpartisan) and Godwin Higa (nonpartisan). Their respective websites are shanaforschoolboard.com/ and godwin4kids.com/.
The doors to the auditorium will open at 6:30 p.m. and the forum will start promptly at 7. Submit your questions ahead of time to [email protected], neither candidate will see the questions prior to the forum. Deadline for questions is Tuesday, Oct. 18.
We hope to see you there.
At our July SCAC meeting, Barbara Bry was guest speaker and spoke about why she is running for San Diego Assessor/Recorder/County Clerk (SDARCC) and her vision for the future.
During our September SCAC meeting, Jordon Marks was guest speaker and spoke about why he is running for SDARCC and his vision for the future. They answered questions from the audience and stayed around a few minutes later to chat personally.
Here are the websites to keep updated for each candidate: barbarabry.com and Vote4marks.com.
The ASSESSOR locates, identifies and appraises vacant land and improved real estate, business property, and certain mobile homes, boats, and aircraft for property tax purposes. The RECORDER provides public notice by accepting and recording legal documents required by law upon payment of proper fees and taxes as well as maintaining birth, marriage and death records and indexes for San Diego County. The COUNTY CLERK issues marriage licenses and performs civil marriage ceremonies; registering Fictitious Business Name Statements, notaries public, process servers and professional photocopiers.
SCAC does not endorse any candidate, our purpose is to present the candidates so you hear from them why they are running for office and present their vision for that office.
Daylight Savings Time ends Sunday, Nov. 6, and we need to be mindful, as we get ready for our fall and winter holidays, that it gets darker “earlier” and that kids are still playing outdoors and not always watching what they are doing so we need to watch out for them.
Mission Trail Regional Park: Located in the Mission Trails Regional Park (MTRP) Visitor Center, the gift shop carries a range of items relating to the park, outdoor recreation, and wildlife. The Visitor Center and gift shop are open daily 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. They have regularly scheduled activities like nature walks, bird watching, photograph exhibits, art exhibits, and even star gazing. Bringing the kids to the Visitors Center is amazing with telling the story of our areas and the critters that have inhabited and some that are still on the land, water and sky. So much to see and do. You can keep up to date by using their website: MTRP.ORG.
Our drive to collect back-to-school supplies for our students does not stop in September but goes on all through the year, so if you can let’s make this an on-going project. Some items always needed are pencils, paper, backpacks, preferably new with the tags on them, notebooks. You can bring these items to one of our bi-monthly meetings (or even our Oct. 19 special meeting) and I will make sure they get to one of our elementary and/or middle schools.
Fire season seems to be all year long so remember to leave a defensible area of at least 100 feet around your structures.
If you would like to get involved in your Area Council, contact me at: [email protected].
We are looking for someone to help with our San Carlos Community Garden plot.
Our next regularly scheduled SCAC meeting is Wednesday, Nov. 16 at the San Carlos Branch Library starting at 6:30 p.m. The meetings are held in-person.
Photo credit: Pixabay.com