![waite dr image lmc online june](https://cdn.sdnews.com/wp-content/uploads/20230626090603/waite-dr-image-lmc-online-june-1024x662.jpeg)
The City of La Mesa has prepared an initial study as it relates to the future park at Waite Drive.
This is in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). A draft mitigated negative declaration has also been prepared.
The public review period for these documents ends on Wednesday, July 5.
The draft mitigated negative declaration, initial study, and supporting documents may be viewed online at: cityoflamesa.us/1693/New-Park-at-Waite-Drive.
All interested individuals are allowed to give written comments during the public review period.
The draft park master plan document is available for review at: cityoflamesa.us/DocumentCenter/View/20007/Waite-Park—Draft-Master-Plan-and-Progress-Report-121622?bidId=.