The City has launched a new website to track federal stimulus monies flowing to San Diego from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act that President Barack Obama authorized on Feb. 17. Visit to read about the funds the City is expected to receive. According to the website, the Army Corps of Engineers will receive $10.5 million to dredge the channel from the Pacific Ocean into Mission Bay where silt has built up to create dangerous conditions. Some parts of the channel have apparently shrunk to six feet in depth, whereas 20 feet of depth is needed for safe travel, according to the website. The stimulus money will also help repair the rock jetty that will better allow the U.S. Coast Guard to provide navigational aid to boats. The City is expected to receive approximately $3.75 million in additional Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) that supports libraries, park facilities and other public buildings, as well as street and road repairs. The legislation requires that the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), which oversees the CDBG program, use the money for projects with bid-based contracts within 120 days of receiving the funds. The City of San Diego is expected to receive $20.18 million for local transportation projects. The city is expected to receive approximately $3.7 million in Justice Assistance Grants to fund public safety prevention, intervention, and suppression activities; law enforcement personnel; equipment and facilities (including crime laboratories); community policing; and technology improvements. State Route 905 that runs parallel to the Mexican border is set to receive $74.4 million of the $76.8 million to complete the western portion of the freeway to quicken the flow of trade between America and Mexico.