18 de julio San Diego Audubon Society invites volunteers to help remove invasive plants and pick up trash along the San Diego River to restore the coastal dune as a habitat for the threatened Nutall’s Lotus plant and a variety of birds. The clean-up takes place Saturday, July 18 from 9 a.m. to noon. Volunteers should preferably wear long pants, a hat, sturdy shoes (no flip flops), use sunscreen and bring a water bottle. The Audubon Society will provide gloves, tools, water and snacks. Directions: From Sea World Dr., go south at the South Shores Park stoplight 30 feet to the service road, turn left and then proceed half-a-mile east on the service road. Call (619) 682-7210. Ongoing: Pacific Beach Town Council holds beach area cleanup on the first Saturday of the month, 9 a.m. – noon. Call (858) 483-6666 for location. 710 Beach Club hosts trivia night every Wednesday, 6-9 p.m. with host Ed Decker. New teams are welcome and winners earn free drinks. Call (858) 483-7844. Community meetings: July 12 Pacific Beach Town Council hosts its annual Celebrate the Family festival at Kate Sessions Park, 5115 Soledad Rd., that includes a free Astro jump, obstacle course, live band, professional Hawaii dancers, arts and crafts, games and a barbeque. Festival runs 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Call (858) 483-6666. 15 de julio Pacific Beach Town Council meets at 6:30 p.m., Pacific Beach Library, 4275 Cass St. Lifeguards will discuss July 4th and summer safety. 22 de Julio PB Community Planning Group meets the fourth Wednesday of the month, 6:30 p.m., Pacific Beach library, 4275 Cass St.