For more than 30 years, the nonprofit Mission Trails Regional Park (MTRP) Foundation has staged a community photo contest, highlighting photos of the park taken by park users.
Last year, 283 people participated in the photo contest which is free to enter and done online. Over the years, the Foundation has received scores of incredible images of the park’s birds and flowers, gorgeous landscapes, and Mission Trails’ renowned peaks and sweeping vistas.
The 32nd Mission Trails Photo Contest is now accepting submissions and has two exciting new categories: Professional y Cowles Mountain. “Professional” is for those whose primary income is from their photographic work and “Cowles Mountain” has been created in honor of the 50el anniversary of the peak’s purchase by the City and County of San Diego.
Photographers of all ages are encouraged to enter.
Adults may submit one photo to the category of their choosing: Plants, Animals, Landscapes, People, Professional, and Cowles Mountain. Teens and children 12 and younger may submit one photo of any subject to their age group. Photos must be taken within Mission Trails Regional Park from an authorized trail and have MTRP as their subject. The deadline to enter is April 1.
The entries will be scored by a panel of judges, then selected entries will be on view at the Visitor Center from May 22 – July 7. All qualifying entries will be featured on the MTRP website beginning on May 22, and winners will be announced at the Photo Contest’s exhibition opening on Thursday, May 22.
Learn more about photo contest details.
(Courtesy image)