![flu clinic nurse 763x540](https://cdn.sdnews.com/wp-content/uploads/20250211170526/flu-clinic-nurse-763x540-1.jpeg)
County public health officials are reminding everyone, particularly families with children and teenagers, that it is not too late to get the flu vaccine.
This flu season, which is between fall and winter, three teenagers have died from the flu. None were vaccinated.
“These recent flu deaths among our youth are tragic and concerning as we head into what historically is the peak of flu season,” said Dr. Ankita Kadakia, interim public health officer. “The flu vaccine is the best protection against getting seriously sick and preventing death. This has been a particularly long and difficult flu season compared to recent years and it’s not over yet. I highly encourage the flu vaccine, it’s not too late.”
In San Diego County, nearly 80 percent of 5- to 17-year-olds have not received this flu season’s vaccine.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that everyone 6 months and older get a flu shot yearly since the components of the vaccine change year to year to match the circulating strains.
The influenza vaccine is available at doctors’ offices and retail pharmacies and is covered by medical insurance. People with no health care coverage can get vaccinated at one of the County’s six public health centers or a local community clinic. To find the nearest location, visit the County’s Ubicaciones de vacunas contra la influenza page, myturn.ca.gov, or call 2-1-1 San Diego.
Además de vacunarse, las personas también deben hacer lo siguiente para evitar enfermarse:
- Lávese las manos a fondo y con frecuencia;
- Use desinfectantes para manos, si no puede lavarse las manos;
- Manténgase alejado de las personas enfermas;
- Evitar tocarse los ojos, la nariz y la boca;
- Clean commonly touched surfaces;
- Si está enfermo, quédese en casa y evite el contacto con otras personas.
County Health and Human Services Agency publishes the Respiratory Viruses Surveillance report, which tracks key flu, COVID-19, and RSV indicators and summarizes respiratory virus surveillance in the region.
In total, there have been 73 people who have died from the flu this flu season. Most were people 50 years and older.