The Peninsula Beacon asked the two candidates running for the District 2 City Council seat to respond to the same set of questions about issues the voters care about. Below are Democratic incumbent District 2 Councilmember Dr. Jennifer Campbell’s answers.
Peninsula Beacon: Tell us about yourself and your record and/or qualifications to represent District 2.
Dr. Jennifer Campbell: I ran for this office in 2018 to defeat a right-wing Republican incumbent because she was not representing our community’s values. Four years later, so much important work has been accomplished. I’ve worked to add urgently needed mental health treatment to reduce homelessness, bring more middle-class and affordable housing across San Diego, and passed the landmark compromise to finally regulate — and reduce — short-term vacation rentals. Through it all, I’ve fought for the values we all share. We’re protecting a woman’s right to choose in San Diego against the extremist attacks we’re seeing elsewhere in America. We’re keeping San Diego safe by fully funding police and fire response, passing common sense gun safety measures, cracking down on ghost guns, and strengthening red flag laws.
I am again running to be your City Council member because as someone who was a family physician for over four decades, I believe the first duty of city government is keeping our residents healthy and safe — and I won’t ever back down from protecting those basic values.
PB: What are the primary issues in this race?
Campbell: As Councilmember, I interact with my constituents every single day – and what I’ve heard loud and clear over the past four years is that District 2 communities share our Democratic values, like protecting women’s choice and our climate, always following the science and keeping us safe from gun violence. Those are the issues that I’ve fought for on the City Council and those are the issues at stake in this race. Voters have a clear choice between myself – a family physician and Democrat – and my opponent, who is endorsed by the Republican Party and anti-abortion activists.
PB: What are your top priorities?
Campbell: My priority is to continue fighting for the most important issues I hear from my
constituents, like defending women’s choice, working towards resolving our homelessness crisis, keeping our communities safe from threats, fixing our infrastructure, and reducing the sky-high cost of housing.
Reducing homelessness will continue to be a top priority of mine because we can’t let this crisis spiral further. Over my first term, I’ve focused on taking more effective approaches to resolving homelessness – like mental health care and addiction treatment – and we need to expand those programs much more to meet the moment. As a doctor, I will always hold our City accountable for having public health-focused solutions to our homelessness crisis.
In addition, it’s my responsibility as Councilmember to keep my constituents safe. My work as a physician guides me in that work every day, from ensuring that women have safe and legal access to reproductive care, cracking down on dangerous guns, and fully funding our police. I will continue this work over my next term and ensure that residents are safe.
PB: What is your stand on removing the 30-foot height limit in Midway District?
Campbell: I will fight back against any and all efforts to remove the height limit along the coast. I support the revitalization plans in the Midway District, which is not on the coast, never should have been included in the original coastal height limit, and is a neglected and blighted area in serious need of improvement. If approved, the new Midway height limit will be between 30 to 100 feet depending on the parcel.
PB: Sports Arena redevelopment?
Campbell: We can’t afford to miss this once-in-a-generation opportunity to revitalize the Midway District with affordable housing and a re-energized sports/entertainment arena that generates jobs of all kinds our economy needs now.
PB: Proposed increases in housing density in District 2?
Campbell: It’s clear that we need more affordable housing here in San Diego, but every community needs to do its part and we can’t allow the uniqueness of San Diego to be forgotten. I support the coastal height limit and the current building height limit in Clairemont. We can add new housing smartly, manage growth responsibly and hold developers accountable for following the rules and respecting our neighbors.
PB: What is your view on providing constituent services?
Campbell: Constituent services are always the number one priority of a City Council office. A key part of the job of my staff and I is to be advocates for District 2 residents when it comes to navigating San Diego’s government. My staff and I have helped so many constituents across the District do things like get their streets paved, fix broken street lights and incorrect water and tax bills, and receive government services – and over my next term, I’ll continue doing that work every day.