Jefferey Nguyen, the community liaison for El Cerrito from Sean Elo-Rivera’s District 9 office, at the request of El Cerrito Community Council (ECCC), has set up a Community Dumpster Day for the community.
The event will take place Saturday, March 11, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. (or until the bins are full). Residents can bring acceptable items to the parking lot of Faith Presbyterian Church (5075 Campanile Drive, San Diego).
“While the event is scheduled for three hours, come as early as possible since the last community dumpster day saw all the dumpsters full after two hours and no more items could be accepted,” El Cerrito Council President Laura Riebau commented. “This time we are only accepting bulk items (no hazardous items/batteries/heavy electronics).”
Riebau said she is looking into providing electronics on the next dumpster day.
“I am also open to any volunteers that would like to support us and the community,” Riebau noted. “Anyone with trucks who may be able to assist community members around the area with bulk items they may not be able to remove or volunteers that want to help on site with traffic control or dumping please reach out to me.”