Lead paint is the primary source of childhood lead poisoning, and thanks to a multi-million-dollar legal settlement with three paint companies, the service to remove toxic lead hazards – a process called abatement – is available for little or no cost to those who qualify. Homeowners in San Diego city limits can now apply for lead abatement services through the City of San Diego’s new San Diego Residential Lead Abatement Program (SDRLAP).
“After years of litigation against the lead paint industry, the City can finally use the recovered funds to provide essential abatement services to impacted neighborhoods,” said City Attorney Mara W. Elliott. “Scientific research shows that lead exposure imperils the health and safety of our residents and their children. The City’s abatement program should help alleviate those risks.”
The City’s abatement program is the result of a settlement reached between three paint companies and 10 California jurisdictions. ConAgra Grocery Products Co., NL Industries Inc., and Sherwin-Williams Company agreed to pay into a fund to remove toxic lead paint hazards from residential properties, with San Diego being awarded $15 million. The primary purpose of the funding is to remediate lead paint hazards in low- to moderate-income areas.
“Lead exposure through deteriorated lead paint continues to be one of the biggest environmental health concerns facing children today,” said Environmental Services Department (ESD) Program Manager Jessica Weislogel. “Reducing and preventing exposure through abatement activities is one way to help children live healthier lives.”
Lead poisoning can cause adverse effects on a child’s development and later in adulthood. In San Diego County between 2017 and 2021, 231 children under the age of six received services from the San Diego County Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program (CLPPP) due to lead poisoning. Even small levels of lead in a child’s blood can cause permanent damage including developmental, health and behavioral problems. More information about the effects of lead poisoning is available at sdhealthyhomes.org.
The City is currently accepting SDRLAP applications from homeowners, or anyone who owns residential property. Properties that qualify for the program will be inspected and abated of lead hazards if they are present. In some cases, temporary relocation of residents may be required during abatement activities, and in those cases, temporary relocation services will be provided. All services will be conducted with confidentiality. Renters are encouraged to learn more about the program and to work with their landlords, as only residential property owners can apply. To apply or get more details, please visit sdhealthyhomes.org.