Dry eye disease, or DED, is a common eye disorder caused by a lack of eye lubrication. The tear glands may not produce enough tears to keep the eyes moist, or tears may evaporate fast for various reasons, such as dry air and eye allergies. DED has multiple symptoms, including the following:
- Eye fatigue
- Blurry vision
- Red eyes
- Burning or stinging sensation in the eyes
- Light sensitivity
- Itchiness in the eyes
There are ways to manage dry eyes and relieve the symptoms. However, if the condition worsens, lasts longer, or gets in the way of your daily routine, it’s best to see a doctor. The specialist will do an extensive eye exam to determine various factors, including the volume and quality of tears you produce and if there are indications of dry eye disease. If diagnosed with DED, treatment may range from eye drop application to IPL or intense pulsed light therapy. IPL therapy is a fast, effective, safe, and comfortable method of treating DED. Here are other ways to manage dry eyes.
Limit your screen time
Excessive use of computers, smartphones, and TV could cause dry eyes. It’s because you tend to blink less when your eyes are focused on the screen, so tears evaporate quickly. It could also strain the eyes, which can be painful. So, take a break from using these gadgets, and blink more.
Use warm compress
Eye compress is available over the counter, or you can use a clean washcloth. The temperature shouldn’t be too hot to prevent burning your skin, but it should be warm enough to provide relief. It also promotes lipid production in the eyelids, keeping the eyes lubricated and preventing dryness.
Get enough sleep
Lack of sleep can weaken the immune system, a crucial factor in healing. So, if you have eye problems, including DED, it will be difficult for the body to heal, especially if there are other underlying causes. Moreover, studies suggest that tear production is also affected by lack of sleep. Make your bedroom comfortable so it’s easier to sleep and avoid disruptions that could affect your sleep quality. Prevent activities that would keep you awake near bedtime, like exercising or drinking caffeine.
Eat the right foods
Eat vitamin A-rich foods like tomatoes, red bell pepper, and green leafy vegetables. Vitamin A deficiency could cause dry eyes. Add fish to your diet, too, as it’s rich in Omega-3 fatty acids that help improve the oil film of the eyes, thus also preventing dry eyes. Avoid foods that cause inflammation, as they can aggravate DED.
Keep air clean and moist
Dry air is another cause of dry eyes, so keep air moist using a humidifier. The air quality is also vital to prevent irritants from affecting the eyes.
Avoid smoke
Smoke is another reason for DED. Stop smoking or if you are a non-smoker, avoid second-hand smoke as it could have the same effect. Moreover, this type of smoke can negatively affect overall health.
Follow these tips to manage dry eyes. But if the symptoms worsen, get immediate medical attention for proper treatment.