The La Mesa History Center is putting together an engaging community archiving event as a way to collect more historical information about La Mesa from non-traditional sources.
The event (Saturday, May 3, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.) encourages attendees to bring in up to 10 photographs and/or pieces of ephemera (flyers, posters, menus, etc.) that document life in La Mesa. The event will take place at the McKinney House Museum and grounds, 8369 University Ave., La Mesa.
Attendees should sign up for a 30-minute time slot during the day. Attendees also have the option to sign up for a short oral history interview/opportunity to tell a story of their life in La Mesa.
Day of event:
1. Attendees should arrive 5-10 minutes prior to scheduled appointment
2. Attendees will check-in at check-in desk and complete basic paperwork to determine the terms of use/rights that they are sharing with the Archives
3. Attendees are sent to a station (1 of 6) to fill out metadata on the materials (description of the photos, who are in them, dates, etc.)
4. Attendees are sent to the digitization station where the items are scanned.
5. Digitized copies can be sent to the attendees if requested. They can keep the originals (unless they want to donate them).
If they are interested in a short oral history they would then be sent to the oral history station.
Sign-up will be through Eventbrite site https://LMHC-Archiving-Event.eventbrite.com starting on Saturday, March 29.
Walk-ins will be accommodated as time and space allow.
Photo credit: La Mesa History Center