With winter not even officially here yet, how bad of a flu season might it be when all is said and done?
Patrick Henry High School had a large number of students experience flu-like symptoms in early October (sdnews.com/suspected-outbreak-of-respiratory-and-flu-like-symptoms-hits-patrick-henry-high-school/), leading to a period of high absences that lasted approximately five days. Teachers adjusted their lesson plans and pacing in response.
“Student health is always a priority,” said Michelle Irwin, the school’s principal. “If students don’t feel well, they won’t be able to do well in school. If students have a fever, aches, pains, cough, or a runny nose, they should stay home.”
Student absence due to illness is excused by the school, encouraging those who are sick to protect others by staying home.
Susan Barndollar, the executive director of nursing and wellness for the San Diego Unified School District, added that students should have a negative COVID test, be fever-free for 24 hours, and have improving symptoms before they return to the classroom. Students can then work with their teachers to catch up on material they missed.
The outbreak comes during an early start to the flu season, which typically lasts from October to May.
San Diego County has reported just over 2,500 cases of influenza to date and one death, which was on Oct. 15. At this time last year, the county had only reported 232 cases and there had been no deaths.
“Although any individual season is impossible to predict, generally, when we get cases this early in the season, it means flu activity is likely to be sustained and more severe,” said Katie Cadiao, a communications specialist with the County of San Diego.
While most people with the flu will recover on their own, it has the greatest impact on children, elderly people, and immunocompromised individuals. Those with influenza should keep an eye out for difficulty breathing, chest pain, dizziness, or passing out. Cadiao said that these symptoms indicate a more serious case where medical attention is required.
Influenza symptoms are often difficult to differentiate from those of COVID-19, which the country reported about 1,500 cases of in the last week of October.
“The simplest way to distinguish the flu from COVID is to take a COVID test,” Cadiao said. “Besides the many home tests available inexpensively, the County still operates several COVID testing sites.”
The school district also recommended parents give their children a COVID test when they are sick to rule out the illness.
“We recommend a COVID test every day symptoms are not improving,” Barndollar commented. “Sometimes tests are not positive until day two or three (of being sick).”
Students and staff can protect themselves from both diseases by practicing healthy habits.
San Diego State University suggests people frequently wash their hands, avoid touching their eyes, mouth, and nose, and maintain basic health behaviors, such as getting plenty of sleep and eating well.
Above all, the university said the best way to prevent the flu is to get vaccinated.
To help students do this, SDSU hosted pop-up vaccine clinics throughout October. The campaign, “Say Boo to the Flu,” offered students the opportunity to get their flu vaccine for free and be entered to win prizes for doing so.
Several students said they liked the convenience of the clinics as getting the vaccine was the main way they planned on staying healthy during the flu season.
“I think the pop-up clinics were very effective,” said student Flavio Signoretti. “I was able to get my flu shot there in less than 10 minutes.”
SDSU student Maitland Klingberg noted, “I was sick at the start of flu season. My throat hurt and during the night I broke out with a fever. The next day I could barely get out of bed to use the bathroom or even get food. This is a shared experience among SDSU students. I know so many people who have gotten sick or had symptoms of the cold/flu.”
While students interviewed said they planned on getting the flu shot to stay healthy, Klingberg added, “When it is flu season, I try to prioritize getting a good night’s rest. I find that if I stay up too late whether that’s doing school work or on my phone I get sick. Another way I will protect myself is by getting my annual flu shot.”
Additional information about influenza, including the number of cases reported, can be found on San Diego County’s sitio web.
Editor’s note: This article was written by Natali Gonzalez, an MA student in rhetoric and writing studies at San Diego State University. See more of her work at: thedailyaztec.com/staff_name/natali-gonzalez/.
Photo of SDSU by Karen Austin.