The PB Planning Group (PBPG) is now accepting applications for new members. The group, which advises the city, is composed of 20 community volunteers, 15 residential and five commercial seats. PBPG values diverse views. Its 15 residential members represent different areas of Pacific Beach, giving the group a more thorough overview of the impacts of any development in each neighborhood. Many new plans for the PB beach area, including the upcoming trolley extension, the redevelopment of the De Anza area and traffic improvements for PB, are presented and voted on each month. Recent programs, such as the City’s placement of Deco Bikes rental stands on the boardwalk, have generated much discussion. As an advisory group, PBPG has made its voice known to the City. If you’d like to add your views and help shape the future of PB, then consider running for election. Candidates must be residents or own a business or property in Pacific Beach. New-member elections will take place on March 22, but all candidates must have attended at least one PBPG meeting during the period of Jan. 2016 through Jan. 2017. You can attend the upcoming Jan. 25 meeting to qualify for the election. The group meets every 4th Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. in the Pacific Beach Library, 4275 Cass Street.