This month, Republican Women of California, Navajo Canyon proudly presented proceeds from our annual Fashion Show to Saved in America, a non-profit organization of volunteers who are former law enforcement officers, special operators, and Navy SEALs. Since December 2014, Saved in America has assisted in rescuing more than 250 children nationwide from human trafficking.
We also heard from Investigator Tony Johnson, a peace officer for more than 39 years.
He was employed by the San Diego Police Department for 32 years, during which time he served over six years as a homicide detective. He joined the San Diego County District Attorney’s Office in November 2011 and has been assigned to the DA’s Cold Case Homicide Team for the past four years. Johnson was recognized with the Blue Night Award by the San Diego County Crime Commission for his outstanding work on a cold case homicide.
We’ll be taking a break from our regular luncheons in December. Instead, we’ll be celebrating Christmas with members at our annual party. Keep an eye out on our website for more details about this event.
Were you happy with the results from the election this week? Do you feel like you supported and contributed as much as you could?
This election may be over, but next election season is just around the corner. Your favorite candidates not only need your vote, but also your time and your money.
Find ways to help get the word out with easy, fun activities such as envelope stuffing, making phone calls, door knocking, and more. Be the change you want to see.
To find out more about our club, or to become a member, visit: rwcnavajocanyon.org.