Kyra Sharma, a sophomore at La Jolla High School, took first place in the AAUW La Mesa-El Cajon Branch Speech Trek Speech Contest earlier this month. Sharma was one of two finalists to compete. Hussein Al Husseini, a senior at Granite Hills High School in El Cajon placed second.
High school students from throughout San Diego County are invited to compete annually.
The topic, “How can communities, organizations and citizens of all ages help protect and expand voting rights?” inspired two thought-provoking speeches.
Sharma’s speech, along with other branch winners, will be reviewed by a panel of judges to determine the top three finalists at the State level. Those videos will be showcased at the AAUW California Annual Event, April 22. Sharma will be presenting her speech live at the La Mesa-El Cajon Branch meeting on Saturday, March 11.
Both finalists at the local level received cash awards of $500 and $250, respectively.
The social hour on March 11 begins at 9:30 a.m. and the meeting commences at 10 a.m.
These meetings are open to the public and members are encouraged to invite friends and family, co-workers, and associates.
Meetings are held in King Hall at Foothills United Methodist Church located at 4031 Avocado Blvd. in La Mesa.