![kyungmin min](https://cdn.sdnews.com/wp-content/uploads/20231103183242/kyungmin-min-1024x1024.jpg)
“The bird fights its way out of the egg. The egg is the world. Who would be born first must destroy a world. The bird flies to God. That God’s name is Abraxas.”
– Demian, Hermann Hesse
It was a way out of the egg, spending nine months in San Diego for me. I had vague images of Southern California before I came here – the swish of palm fronds, beach breaks against the rocks, surfers dancing on the waves, happy Californians under the blazing sun… After a few months, I could be a part of them without any further awkwardness. When I felt relieved as I stepped onto the platform at Santa Fe Depot after a trip to another city, I realized that I was melding into this city. I was still a stranger, but San Diego became another ‘home’ to me before I knew it.
Sometimes I find myself thinking that journalism bears a striking resemblance to art. Because journalists, collate different-looking fragments from society and create a piece of writing with them. Stories containing critical thoughts of writers reach readers with various impressions, sometimes providing new perspectives and other times becoming controversial.
I would say that half a year in the San Diego Community Newspaper Group (SDCNG) gave me opportunities to collect fragments and make them a part of my world. I learned about new cultures I had never experienced and glimpsed different ways of life. I listened to various voices and absorbed new thoughts. New topics from the bigger world grew in my head and bloomed as new interests. I was influenced by people with great passion and soaring dreams through interviewing them and realized how many small and large entities are trying to lead San Diego to be a better city.
San Diego, full of new stimuli, helped me to discover new aspects of myself. A life a little far away from where I am from made me contemplate my life so far. I began to earnestly seek the way of life I sincerely desire, rather than following criteria set by others or walking paths others have already trodden. I observed people to learn how they enjoy their lives and tried to digest the positive parts of this culture.
These trials changed me, leading me to move forward from my personal life and care more about the world where I live. I learned to examine the society we are shaping and influencing. I also developed strategies on how to be a reliable member contributing to a cohesive society. I believe that these interests were conveyed through my weekly columns.
People normally say that we should get out of our comfort zones to develop ourselves. Well, I think life is a process of widening the comfort zone rather than getting out of it. Could it be that the comfort zone becomes like a Möbius strip as we enlarge it, where the distinction between inside and outside is blurred? Like San Diego became a new home to me at some point.
I think now it is time for me to destroy another egg. The experience in SDCNG concludes, but I am excited to break into other worlds by gaining new ideas and to broaden my comfort zone by exploring more.
Abraxas, in the sentence I quoted from “Demian” in the first paragraph, is that God encompasses both good and evil. Opening up another door for myself, letting myself encounter a new world, and putting myself into unknown circumstances always accompany both pleasure and hardship at the same time. Nevertheless, people fly to Abraxas, making their journey more exciting. And I am one of them.
I would like to express my gratitude to SDCNG, which gave me grand opportunities to have fresh experiences and to share my stories. It was always delightful to work with and learn from the members.
And to the readers, thank you for being with me so far.
Kyungmin Min is an international intern from Korea. Her last day with SDCNG is April 26.