The Friends of Del Cerro (FODC) continues its efforts to improve the Del Cerro community and we are asking you to help.
The City of San Diego is constantly working on city-related concerns.
Do not assume that someone else has already reported a pothole, faded street sign, etc. They need to know, and the best way to report a problem is to use the city’s APP “Get It Done”. Go to the city’s website sandiego.gov and type in “get it done app” in the search window in the top righthand corner and click on the magnifying glass.
Throughout Del Cerro a number of city-related issues have been resolved including sidewalk repairs, red curbs repainted, encampments removed, potholes filled, and very faded street signs replaced.
The city will respond with the status of your request. It works. You will receive an email confirming your report has been logged in.
Jackie O’Conner, the president of FODC states, “If everyone reported at least one issue a month, our area could be improved significantly. Remember a unified voice will make a difference. If you have any trouble reporting your city-related problem, go to the FODC website friendsofdelcerro.org and click on ‘Contact Us’. We will report the matter for you.”
There are many more improvement projects we have been working on.
Join us in our efforts to improve our wonderful neighborhood.
Let us know what you believe are concerns and/or projects you would like the FODC to consider.
Finally, Shane Masek, the center director of the Allied Gardens Recreation Center announced there will be a Family Spring Event at the Allied Gardens Recreation Center from 10 a.m. to noon on Saturday, March 25. The event will include an egg hunt for the children, games, crafts, prizes, and a candy guessing game. This is for all ages. It is recommended all children bring a basket to collect their eggs.