Despite all the challenges of the last few years, performing arts students at Helix High have not let it stop them.
A number of departments have been busy practicing and putting on productions.
Katie Pipes, chair of the performing arts department, noted she has more than 100 students involved in the dance program.
“I started in January of 2007 with 26 students and we have grown so much over the past 15 years,” Pipes commented.
Currently, Pipes is preparing the dancers for a spring Storytime production May 5-7 centered on children’s stories.
“There will be dances choreographed by faculty and students,” Pipes said. “This is a really fun show that will feature all styles of dance including jazz, hip hop, contemporary and modern dance.”
Pulling this and other productions off has been a challenge over the last few years.
“During COVID the student engagement and motivation was definitely a challenge,” Pipes remarked. “During our Zoom classes, I did my best to stay motivated and excited for the students. We did host an outdoor drive-in movie event where we presented all dance film work. The show was titled ‘Dancing Under The Stars’. We did this in May 2021 and then we hosted the event again at the end of summer in September 2021 because we had so much fun at the first event. My goal is to keep this dance film project and part of our ‘kick off’ to the new school year. It’s really nice to host a dance event where the students get to see their work along with the audience at the same time.”
Anyone looking to join the program should add this class to their course interest form.
“Dance is for everyone,” Pipes added. “We have an amazing dance community that is loving and supportive.”
Vocal music
When it comes to vocal music, the program under Michelle Tolvo-Chan continues moving along despite COVID.
“This year we are at 42 students .… but the vocal music department has had over 120 students in previous years (pre-pandemic),” Tolvo-Chan stated. “All last year our performances had to be virtual, which is a whole different ball game and not conducive to choral singing. Anyone that’s tried to sing ‘Happy Birthday’ in a group Zoom meeting knows that the only person you can hear is the loudest one with the best microphone. This year has been full of transitions back to ‘normal.’ We sing outside as much as possible in order to practice without masks; however, we just participated in a competition where performers were still required to wear masks, making it even harder to be effective communicators through performance.”
For any students interested in choir, Tolvo-Chan encourages them to try it.
“I just heard another story on NPR this morning about the power of music; as singing uses a different part of the brain than talking, it can tie together neural synapsis, helping people that have suffered from a stroke or other ailments, both mental and physical,” Tolvo-Chan remarked. “Simply put, singing transforms lives. Singing in a choir in particular fosters teamwork, leadership skills and meaningful involvement in something bigger than oneself.”
Show Choir auditions are set for May 14.
Allison Kerth, a four-year choir member, has enjoyed her time with the group.
“I have been in choir at Helix for all four years that I have attended, and I can easily say it is the best decision I’ve made in probably my whole life,” Kerth remarked. “The friends I’ve made, the thrills I’ve experienced, and the joys I’ve shared make Helix choir better than any other program I have ever been a part of.”
As Kerth sees it, the people she has met through choir have been well worth the time invested.
“The best thing about being a part of choir at Helix is meeting an incredible group of very different people who come together to do what we all love: singing,” Kerth stated. “We have had such a variety of people in our choirs in the past from stem kids, to full on musical theater kids, to pro football players!”
Kerth also noted that an amazing trait of the choir program is that it gives its students the tools to build their confidence, whether it be performing onstage for their family or working up the nerves to audition for solos and specialty acts.
When it comes to theater, the department under Paul Reams has attempted to return to a normal schedule.
“We have three main stage shows – ‘Twelfth Night’, which was produced in October; ‘Mamma Mia,’ which will be performed April 20-23; and ‘The Laramie Project,’ which will be performed at the end of May,” Reams stated. “We also have a student produced ‘Coffee Break’, an annual variety show created by the Highway Players, our drama club.”
According to Reams, more than 100 students are enrolled in theater classes at Helix. Many students participate in the productions without being enrolled in a class.
“I would guess that more than 140 students take part in some aspect of theater at Helix, whether that’s performing or crewing in show, ushering or working the box office for a production, or enrolling in a theater class,” Reams said.
Like many others, COVID challenges impacted theater students and staff.
“COVID was really hard on the theater program,” Reams noted. “Theater is, by its nature, an ‘in-person’ experience. Mr. (Gregg) Osborn made incredible, sacrificial efforts to keep theater going during last school year. He produced two full-length shows: ‘Clue’ was produced while students were still entirely on Zoom and ‘Working’ (a musical) was produced in person but without a live audience. I’m so grateful for his hard work last year in making sure that the Highland Players produced a theater season.”
According to Osborn, staff and students got creative in 2021 to ensure that they could do anything.
“We held auditions, rehearsals and the performances of the mystery-comedy, ‘Clue,’ primarily online,” Osborn stated. “In the spring, we were able to get together for rehearsals, with the students in masks and distanced. This year, rehearsals for Shakespeare’s ‘Twelfth Night’ and the musical ‘Mamma Mia’ were in person with students masked. We have had to cast understudies for all the major roles to deal with students missing rehearsals/performances because of positive tests or because cast members have been in close contact with others testing positive. During dress rehearsals and performances, cast and crew needed to test twice weekly.”
Any Helix students looking to theater should sign up for one of the classes, attend drama club meetings Thursday at lunch and audition for open calls.
Instrumental music
Finally, the instrumental music department under the direction of Rachel Casey and Mike Benge, has around 150 kids total in the program. This includes students who are in the following ensembles: bagpipes, band, color guard, jazz band, orchestra and percussion.
The group’s final concert this year will be its Pop’s Concert on Tuesday, May 17 at 7 p.m. in the school’s performing arts center.
The bagpipes will also be performing at the school’s Foundation Highlander Open at the Chula Vista Golf Course on Saturday, May 21 at 1 p.m.
Finally, the jazz band will have a concert in April (date to be determined). It will likely be a combined concert with Grossmont College.
For more information on upcoming performances, visit: helixinstrumental.org.
Like other groups at school, the instrumental music department has had to deal with the challenge of COVID.
“During the pandemic, we had to change the way we teach and the focus of our teaching,” Casey stated. “In all of our courses, we focus on creating an ensemble sound and how individuals work together to perform as one entity. Because of distance learning, we had to pivot to focus more on the individual and how (they) hear music and analyze musical concepts.”
COVID also interrupted necessary practice before classes.
“One major challenge that COVID created is how many students are able to practice,” Casey noted. “When at school, many students would stay and practice in the music room, as they cannot do so at home. When we switched to 100% online, they were no longer able to put in the time on their individual instruments. It was most difficult for percussionists as most do not own any of the larger instruments (mallets, timpani, etc.) that can cost tens-of-thousands of dollars. So, for them, teaching had to go back to fundamentals and rudiments of music and rhythm.”
Casey also credited school officials with helping get the students through these challenging times.
“We are very fortunate to have an amazing administration who hears our challenges and helps to provide opportunities to fix them,” Casey commented. “After meeting with our administration, they bought us the proper PPE to make it possible for our students to finally play inside. With weekly testing and proper PPE, we were able to move all of our classes back to the classroom, where we can provide the best opportunities for learning and understanding music.”
As Casey sees it, many students love being in the program due to the family atmosphere.
“Because performing arts is an elective, students choose to be in our classes and most choose to say for their entire high school career,” Casey noted. “We tried our best to keep students connected, but the nature of distance learning made this very difficult and some dropped music because of it. Although there have been challenges, our program continues to evolve and move forward. This is made possible because of our supportive administration, staff, and parents. Thank you for the support. We look forward to continuing to create music and offering performances to the community.”
If interested in the instrumental program, visit: helixinstrumental.org.
(Courtesy Photo Helix High School)
– Reach editor Dave Thomas: [email protected].