La Mesa Earth Day Festival is a free event that will be celebrated April 22, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at MacArthur Park.
The event provides plenty of room for well-spaced booths, kids zone, STEM projects, arbor day activities, community garden tour, demonstrations, Fix-It Clinic, bicycle activities, food truck and much more.
Those interested can sign up as a vendor by completing and returning a vendor registration form before April 1 (Canopy, table and chairs will be provided). Email: [email protected].
Participants can showcase eco-friendly resources and sustainable products, provide educational materials and demonstrations etc.
Individuals interested can donate an item for swag bags by April 1. They can also share event details with others and anyone who may be interested in being a vendor.
For more information, visit: lamesaparks.org/1711/Park-and-Recreation-Foundation.