Editorial: Time to Look in the Mirror? ?
Jeffrey Meyer | SanDiego350.org
The American public is addicted to carbon products for its energy needs and despite overwhelming evidence that man-made carbon dioxide (CO2) is a credible threat to everyone, we lack the will to act. We are quick to place blame for this morass, but perhaps it is time to look in the mirror. There is finger pointing enough for everyone, from conflicting media reports, paralysis of our political system and corporate greed from the carbon industry. But is it really about them or is it about us, immobilized by a simple lack of effort to check out the facts?
It is true that some of our media just doesn’t understand the worldwide carbon industry, the eventual cost of its products both environmentally and to our bank accounts and admittedly this lack of knowledge can create a listless public. As for politicians, it is an uncomfortable reality that their will to act seems more connected to the latest opinion poll than new data from climate scientists. And the carbon industry, well those corporations are created to produce profits and that is simply why they exist. This is all reason enough to point at them. Isn’t it?
Our local media in San Diego seem to counter almost every single news item about global warming with caveats about why that might not be our fault. We complain that they allow a stage for uninformed skeptics and industry lobbyists to sow public doubt about the causes and dangers of global warming. But wait, a short internet search reveals that 97 percent of climate scientists know that global warming is caused by our consumption of carbon products and they are in agreement that this has disastrous consequences for our planet. Showing a little initiative, almost anyone can ferret out the truth about climate science and global warming. How hard is it to take responsibility for doing a little research?
A similar effort in regard to fracking for natural gas in our San Joaquin Valley shows that each well can take up to a million gallons of water that is unrecoverable because of a mix of about 30 different chemicals that are hidden from public access by state law. This carcinogenic slop is not supposed to be a problem according to the carbon industry because we are going to pump it back in the ground, below the water table that is critical to this farmland. Yet, it is well known that the valley is crisscrossed with earthquake faults and the risk of extreme pressure on this deep wastewater is poorly understood. The disturbing truth is there are no laws in California concerning fracking. Oil and gas companies are not required to disclose the source and amounts of water used in production, nor disclose how and where that water is disposed. Digging a little deeper, we find that valley farmers, cities in southern California and the carbon industry will be competing for the same water from the California aqueduct. Who has deeper pockets?
In the past few weeks, we all learned that the world atmospheric CO2 level has reached almost 400 parts per million, a level that climate scientists say has not been reached for more than 3 million years. When it did, scientists say the ocean level was 16 to 131 feet higher than today and they are projecting an increase of 1 to 13 feet by the end of this century depending on how fast glaciers melt. New reports recently released say the average temperature will increase an average of 7.2 degrees F by the year 2100. The last time it was that hot on earth they say it was 14 million years ago.
This week, New York City responded with a bold $20 billion proposal to protect its coastline. In San Diego we are still bickering about the causes of climate change. Climate scientists explain that CO2 is not like other greenhouse gases that dissipate over time. A short internet search shows that it stays around for centuries, creating acidic oceans that destroy reefs and marine life, causes worldwide melting of permafrost releasing billions of tons of methane and CO2, and intensifies terrible storms and drought that bring firestorms to areas like San Diego. Coastal commissions throughout the U.S. are preparing for a rising ocean. So is the military.
Again, this information is also widely available. There really aren’t any excuses for a public failure to act on this problem. Research the arguments. Follow the money. If a billion dollar corporation is making a huge effort to discredit a few scientists who are allegedly “after grant money for research” then it is pretty obvious you might want to listen to what those scientists are trying to tell you.
So, whom should we blame for this crisis? We are heavily dependent on carbon products for our every day needs, like transportation and maintaining a temperate work and home life. Right now “new renewables” like small hydro, biomass, solar, biofuels, wind and geothermal just aren’t sufficient to cut our use of carbon products and maintain the life style we need. Nuclear power is no longer an option for San Diego. So even if all of us were on board with climate scientists, we just don’t have many options. Whose fault is that? And that brings me back to our collective failure to understand climate science and our ineffective efforts to act on this problem. The information is out there and there are solutions, but we cannot afford lethargy of will to deal with climate change.
Who to blame? Look in the mirror.
SanDiego350.org, an all-volunteer San Diego County organization, is concerned about climate change and its very real effects on our livelihoods, wellbeing, and the future for our children. They work to increase awareness of climate change and advocate for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. For more information, visit their website at sandiego350.org.
Editorial: Local veterans helping homeless vets are reaching out to community
San Diego Veterans For Peace (SDVFP), the local chapter of the national 501(c)3 veteran’s educational organization, has been raising money and buying sleeping bags sets for homeless veterans and others on the streets of Downtown San Diego since 2010.

As the homeless population Downtown continues to grow (now at least 1000 people each night), chapter veterans from all five services (Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force and Coast Guard) head Downtown late at night in teams with sleeping bags sets (a sleeping bag, a nylon stuff sack, and a poncho) and find those most in need who have no sleeping gear.
Called the “Campaign for Compassion,” already 1700 sets to date have been purchased and personally delivered by these veterans, who verify the specific need of each person, although the overall need in Downtown remains great, even in the summer months.
Just last week, on Wednesday, June 19, a three-veteran team representing SDVFP gave out 16 sleeping bag sets to homeless in need throughout Downtown.
An excerpt from the team’s After Action Report: Most noticeable tonight … a young couple sleeping on Commercial Avenue under the overpass had been homeless only 11 days and were sleeping on the pavement on a blanket and sheet; another young couple over by Petco Park had arrived today from Vermont and were in their first day in San Diego. They had two pillows but only one thin sleeping bag; two men, each sleeping within 100 yards of Petco Park and the new library, each covered by a thin blanket, were very grateful. A third man sleeping nearby declined our offer even though he too lacked decent sleeping gear; three men sleeping on 16th Street around the corner from Father Joe’s were also in need of our bags and were very grateful. It was a distinct honor to be able to represent SDVFP in our outreach tonight.
A donation of $33 buys one set, in bulk, and below wholesale cost from the Coleman Company who also graciously charges no taxes or shipping fees to SDVFP. One hundred percent of donations go to purchase gear, as there is no overhead or administrative expenses. Donations are tax deductible and each donor receives a card of thanks and a receipt for tax purposes.
Donations can be made online at the website or checks may be mailed to SDVFP, 12932 Sunderland St., Poway, CA 92064. For additional information, please call Director of Communications Gil Field at 858-342-1964 or visit SDVFP.org.