St. Katharine’s Drexel Academy has a busy slate of activities during the month of March.
Among some the happenings:
* SKDA’s Annual Spring Fundraiser – What a Wonderful World! – Each year, SKDA hosts a spring fundraiser, which is our largest fundraiser of the year. This year, our event will be held on Saturday, March 16 from 6-10 p.m. at Stone Brewing Liberty Station. The evening consists of a silent auction during happy hour, dinner, and a program including a live auction and guest speakers. The theme this year is “What a Wonderful World”, which highlights the beautiful diversity of our school. This event is such a great reminder of the power of our school’s mission in providing affordable and accessible Catholic education to all who seek it.
* Preparations for Easter – As Catholics, we use the liturgical season of Lent to prepare for the celebration of Easter. On campus, we prepare in a few different ways. Our 2nd graders (and some of our older students) will be receiving their First Reconciliation on Wednesday, March 13 in preparation for their First Communion in May. This is their opportunity to confess their sins and receive penance. We also invite all students to participate in a Lenten Penance Service, where everyone can have an opportunity for confession as well. On Holy Thursday, our 8th grader students will lead our school through a walking Stations of the Cross experience. As the school breaks on Good Friday, we take a week off to celebrate Easter and come back refreshed and ready to finish out the rest of the school year.
Career Day – On Tuesday, March 26, we will be celebrating Career Day. This is our second year of planning this event and it allows our SKDA parents and other professionals to come speak to our students about their specific careers, the education needed and provides students with time to ask questions. It is a wonderful way for our students to learn about different options for careers and our parents to showcase the amazing things they do for a living.