A loaf of bread, a jug of wine (OK, champagne) and an audience before her in the wilderness known as Ion Theatre Company ” these might describe Franz Xaver Kroetz’s “Request Programme,” starring Linda Libby, surely one of the city’s finest actors.
It is evening, and Miss Rasch returns from work, makes herself comfortable, opens her mail and smokes a few cigarettes while performing her rather obsessive routines and doing a bit of rug hooking. For company she has a television set and a classical radio station, on which the announcer is none other than J.D. Steyers, who for many years kibitzed on the late, lamented KFSD-FM (94.1) and later was heard on the late, lamented XBACH (540 AM).
Miss Rasch lives in a tiny studio apartment in which everything is ingeniously arranged. Each item used, including dishware, the toilet and kitchen sink, is immediately cleansed and restored to its proper place or condition. No clutter here, and the table is set for breakfast, tomorrow’s attire laid out, before she turns out the light to retire.
Wordlessly, Libby creates an entire world before our eyes, and despite the excessive cleanliness and order, it is not a pretty sight. There is another world behind her sad eyes. One might think a wordless, 65-minute play would get tedious; and yet, this is fascinating and provocative because it requires one to ponder one’s own existence as well as the unseen life of one’s friends.
More cannot be told. Libby’s performance, Glenn Paris’ direction, Claudio Raygoza and Matt Scott’s detailed set, Judy Watson’s costumes and props, Matt Lescault-Wood’s sound and Brylan Ranscht’s lighting are threads that come together to complete the intricately woven tapestry, a cherished and extraordinary evening. It is a dark night of the soul not to be missed.
“Request Programme” continues at 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and 7 p.m. Sundays through June 24 at The Lab at Academy of Performing Arts, 4580-B Alvarado Canyon Road, San Diego.
For tickets and information, visit www.iontheatre.com or call (619) 374-6894.