Even though coworking became a big name in the early 2000s and 2010s, the pandemic seemed to bring it – along with all other forms of in-office work – to a screeching halt. People didn’t want to go back to an office of any sort, now that everyone could “work from home.”
Not so fast, said the big tech giants. Yes, technology has enabled us to do a lot of work remotely that we didn’t use to think possible. But this doesn’t mean that companies are fully satisfied with what their employees are doing at home. And the tech companies aren’t the only ones feeling the strain. Companies in many industries are questioning the value of what really gets done while people are “working” from home.
So how can they lure them back? Well, for one thing people are looking back at the coworking idea and thinking about how they can spruce it up even further to appeal to reluctant office goers. Let’s take a look at what some of the latest trends are in coworkings in San Francisco.
Flexible Spaces
Unfortunately, not everyone is on the full-time bandwagon. In fact, many companies still have to negotiate with employers to agree to come to the office three days a week. What this ultimately means is that employees will be sharing desks with one another. So “hot desks” are going to be the big thing. No more hanging pictures of your kids above your monitor or dangling your favorite trinkets around the cubicle. Coworking now means the use of flexible spaces, particularly if there are multiple companies in a common space.
Nowadays, everything is electronic, and it will only be when you log into your personal workspace that you will see any personalized information at all. This might make physical spaces look a bit more generic, but they are a godsend to company owners and employees alike in the flexibility they offer. Companies can save on desk space, and everyone can still benefit from being in a team atmosphere, if even only part-time.
Another flexible tool that coworking spaces are using is the “mind-pass.” This allows workers to use a space for however long they have designated on their pass.
Ecosystem Coworking
For those that are both environmentally- and artistically-minded, Ecosystem Coworking offers a number of cool features that allows for not only a choice between physical and virtual presence (members can purchase digital passes to participate in online conferences and discussions only), but also links to art galleries and nightclubs that share a network with the coworking offices.
So if you want to share both professional ideas with employees of similar companies, as well as explore the other side of San Francisco, you should consider this kind of coworking option. Particularly if you are working in a creative sphere, it could be an excellent way to foster new ideas for everyone involved.
Workshop Cafes
For people who feel like they work better “outside the office” but still want the collaborative element of working alongside other employees, there is now the workshop cafe option. What this means is that you can pay by time, take advantage of the meal options that the cafes offer, and get your work done in the lively yet focused atmosphere of a cafe. Because let’s face it: Some of us don’t want to work at home or at an office. But the idea of going to a cafe where there might be screaming babies or teenagers roughhousing is also too much. Now there’s a golden mean.
Workshop cafes offer private meeting rooms, as well, so if you really need a quiet space for a period, you’ll be able to find this, as well. It is all part of this unique coworking setup.
Technology-driven Coworking Spaces
These days, everything is technology driven. This is helping to make our lives easier, more efficient, and also more interesting. What does this mean for office spaces? Well, several things. First of all, practically every electronic function that workers come across is now automated. Lights will turn on and off as people walk into and out of rooms.
There are also other smart features such as computer and projector screens, kitchenette appliances, and doorways. Tell your computer out loud to turn on? Sure. These kinds of features both make workers’ lives easier, and also help the environment as they help to conserve energy.
Big-name companies have a lot of security concerns, as well. Therefore, they are getting more and more sophisticated in terms of the security features of both the office spaces themselves, and their computer networks. Many companies are using biometric identifiers for office entry, such as facial recognition, fingerprints, or iris scanning. Similarly, computer and network email systems often require multiple-step authentication.
There’s Surely an Option for You
Whatever you’re looking for in a coworking space, there is surely an option out there for you. If you want a flexible option, there are plenty of them. If your work involves creativity and you want to work alongside other creative types, you’ll be able to go this direction, as well.
There are surely other types of coworking spaces available with other themes, as well. Start looking around and see what you can find. After all, San Francisco is the nation’s innovation hub for a reason. People want their physical environment to be just as progressive as the work they produce.