Writers’ resolves As we start off a new year and new decade, a few longtime and dedicated La Jolla Village News writers share the changes, if any, they want to make in 2011: “Keeping in mind the advice of F.M. Knowles, who wrote, ‘He who breaks a resolution is a weakling; he who makes one is a fool,’ I resolved some years ago to not be burdened with New Year’s resolutions. It’s the one resolution that has kept me from feeling weak or foolish. — Vincent Andrunas, writer of the weekly “Starry, Starry Nights” society column “My New Year’s foolproof resolution: ‘I will not improve this year.’ It works well, I never feel I am a failure.” — Natasha Josefowitz, columnist “New Year’s resolutions? Don’t make them. I’m old enough to know that by February they’ll be forgotten. It is always resolved to forgive my body for growing old and to thank it for carrying me thus far. I strive also to remember that to err is human. That judgment is God’s business, not mine; that others do their best, just as I; and that we are to love others as ourselves.” — Charlene Baldridge, theater writer “I’m making a resolution that I might be able to follow through on this year … to floss more.” — Kendra Hartmann, reporter “Borrowin from Dear Abby, who wrote, ‘The most unwelcome advice in the world is that which is unasked for,’ I’m going to quit giving advice to my adult children in 2011. How many days ’til 2012??? — Sandy Lippe, writer of the column”View from 52″ “I resolve to finally get started writing a book I’ve been mulling over for several years. ” — Judith Lea Garfield, writer of the column, “Tidelines”