MISSION BAY HIGH • The inaugural jog-a-thon on May 4 at 8:30 a.m. at Hospitality Point will be a fundraiser to raise money for the new boys’ and girls’ varsity lacrosse program. For more information, contact Kelly Fromm at [email protected].
• Join the fourth annual Swim With Mike swim-a-thon and pool party on May 3 at the UCSD Canyonview Pool to support the Physically Challenged Athletes Scholarship Fund, featuring MBHS alum Ryan Porteous. Your involvement will help pave the way for physically-challenged athletes to overcome their disabilities and return to school, with tuition and financial assistance for expenses. This year offers an expanded relay-team competition. Each team of four people will swim with inner tubes, kick boards and swim noodles. Teams will be awarded for most money raised, best team name, best-dressed team and fastest team. Register at www.-swimwithmikesd.org/-forms/RelayForm.html. PACIFIC BEACH MIDDLE SCHOOL
• PBMS tour on Thursday, May 1 at 8 a.m. Learn about the widely acclaimed International Baccalaureate Programme. Sign in at the front office and meet in the library.
• PBMS is looking for community leaders from local businesses and organizations to sit on PB Middle’s 8th-grade portfolio panels on May 15 and/or May 16. Contact [email protected] to sign up.
• To Kate Sessions teachers and staff: We would like to thank you for providing an enriching and exciting education to our kids. Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!
• A big thanks to Fish Shop, Duck Dive and the families who turned out for the March Family Dine Out. The Fish Shop and Duck Dive gave 25 percent of the proceeds to support Friends of Kate Sessions. • Spring is finally here. To celebrate, iGive will donate $5 per new member sign-up to support Friends of Kate Sessions in the month of April. No purchase necessary. Sign up at www.igive.com/-welcome/warmwelcome.
• The students at Kate Sessions are reaping the efforts of being green and organic,¸harvesting vegetables they planted in the garden. Each grade level is responsible for planting, watering and harvesting vegetables and growing cauliflower, corn, onions, lettuce, tomatoes, radishes and lemons. The garden provides students the opportunity to experience how food can be grown and harvested here at school and the education on how to start a garden at home, as well as having the opportunity to taste the fruits of their labors. PACIFIC BEACH ELEMENTARY
• PBE thanks Rubio’s on Grand Avenue for a fabulous Family Fun Dinner Fundraiser on April 17 and all the local businesses that donated items to our auction on
April 25. We appreciate our wonderful PB businesses and great community of volunteers that helped make our fundraiser gala event a huge success.
• Congratulations to Ava Barron, Preston Smiser and Dana McCasland, winners of the Friends of the San Diego Public Library Essay Contest for Student Literacy.
• PBE offers transitional kindergarten and before-school and after-school child-care programs and is the only elementary school in the Mission Bay Cluster that offers the Seminar Program. New student registration takes place in the front office every day from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. MISSION BAY CLUSTER
Meets Thursday, May 1 at 6 p.m. at PBMS. Join in on the conversation about Pacific Beach schools. FRIENDS OF PACIFIC BEACH SECONDARY SCHOOLS
Thank you to everyone who turned out for our biggest fundraiser of the year, the School Yard Dash 5K event. It was a great day full of exercise and delicious food, while raising money for our Pacific Beach schools.