It was nice to have lunch recently with Scott Peters and Kirk Jorgensen. Both [were] running for the same 52nd-district congressional seat. They respected each other, spoke kindly one to another, shared insight and mutual regard and, well, acted statesmanlike. We were at Rotary, where we always treat each other that way, but not all politicians behave with the aplomb I saw at lunch.
Those who live at the pleasure of the public vote, or those who can empower that vote, often live apart from the virtues we value. Many seem to have lost their moral compass. What happened to visibly leading a highly principled life, exhibiting wisdom and skill in managing public affairs, even one’s own affairs? When did “Do the right thing” morph into “Do what’s right for me”?
Statesmanship: Some politicians still have it. Sadly, we see the behavior associated with that concept less and less. When are infighting and bad behavior good for a community? Too often in our society, dirty tricks have become the means to an end, usually to get control and run things the way those who play the game better choose. Congress, State, Local, Village and self-interest politics have become a way to show strength rather than winning the public’s support through good works. Statesmanship, honor, putting the public weal ahead of self-interest: Haven’t seen it much recently in our Village. Have you? Nancy Gardner, former La Jolla Town Council trustee, is president of California Mortgage Consultants, Inc.