The City of La Mesa invites residents to attend the Community Services Commission meeting at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 14, for a presentation on the proposed design for the future 2.8 acre neighborhood park at the northwest corner of Waite Drive and Murray Hill Road. The hybrid meeting will be held in person at the La Mesa Community Center, and virtually on Zoom.
“This will give residents another opportunity to learn about the planning for this highly anticipated park,” Director of Community Services Sue Richardson said. “This final site plan was created using community input from a March 2022 workshop and amenities survey and June 2022 concept workshop, site visit and survey.”
The 2012 City of La Mesa parks master plan identifies this location as a valuable option for a future park to partially address the City’s neighborhood park deficiency.
In December 2021, the City received funding through the California State Department of Recreation local assistance specified grant program to create a master plan for the proposed park.
The initial community workshop was held back in March to discuss conditions and future opportunities for the site. It was followed by a survey to gather community member’s priorities on desired amenities and character of the park. In June 2022, a design concept workshop, site visit and follow up survey was held to gather added input to create the final proposed site plan.
For more information, visit the City’s website.